Well with a horrible looking day, we all had a bit of a lazy morning, watching CBeebies and playing. Vikki was the first to get dressed but only because Zack decided to walk around with his hand over his eyes, then fell over and spilt her coffee all over her. Not too long after we all went up, Vikki get Zack dressed while I got ready. While he was half dressed, Vikki took the opportunity to cut his nails. A task easier said then done, he’s fine with his fingers but when it comes to his toes it’s a full on wrestling match. It had stopped raining by the time we came downstairs, so we got outside for a little bit before come back for some lunch. As the weather was a bit up and down, we got in the car for his nap but also we’d ordered some fish from the fishmonger so we went to collect that. As it still seemed dry, we quickly dropped the fish off back at home and then headed up to Marbury Park for a walk. We sat in the car for a little while until it was time to wake Zack, then once he was up we set off. He was still just coming round when we’d set of, so we stopped part way around for a drink just as the heavens opened again, luckily for Zack we’d brought his waterproof but Vikki and I weren’t as lucky. Getting into the woods kept us from getting too wet and by the time we got to the really open part it had stopped again. For the final stretch back to the car, I carried Zack on my shoulders. Originally we’d planned roast chicken for tea, but with the fishmonger saying that some of it is best eaten today we decided to have the mussels and crab with some of the prawns and crusty bread. Vikki did Zack some pasta to have and we let him try some of ours. He has had a lot of it before but it’s still a bit hit and miss with him and some seafood so the pasta was a safe bet. We got out in the garden for one last little play before it was time to start the bath and bed routine.
Shot on my @fujifilmx_uk XT-1 + 35mm
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